Pirates are evil? The Marines are righteous? These terms have always changed throughout the course of history! Kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have different values! Those who stand at the top determine what's wrong and what's right! This very place is neutral ground! Justice will prevail, you say? But of course it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice! - Donquixote Doflamingo • Pirates are evil? The Marines are righteous? These terms have always changed throughout the course of history! Kids who have never seen peace and kids who have never seen war have different values! Those who stand at the top determine what's wrong

Install Stable build on Linux with pip for python and cpu compute platform pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url download.pytorch.org/whl/cpu ...

Initial Model Training: Start with a small labeled dataset and train an initial model. Query Strategy: Use the model to predict on unlabeled data. Identify the most “informative” or “uncertain” data points (e.g., those the model is least confident about).

Amplitude-modulated Wave s(t) = A_c[1 + k_am(t)](2 f_c t) = [1 + k_am(t)]c(t) (3.2) m(t) is the message or information-bearing signal c(t) = A_c(2 f_c t) is the carrier wave A_c|1 + ...

This is a method used to quantify circle-ness = }{}.

This is a method used to quantify circle-ness = }{^2}.

Creating a Worker Project npm create cloudflare@latest -- my-first-worker Then after choosing your options npx wrangler dev Depolying npx wrangler deploy ...

This is a method used to quantify circle-ness = ^2}{}.

Docker is a tool that makes it easy to run applications in isolated environments called containers. Think of it like this: 📦 A container is like a “portable box” that has everything an app needs to run (code, libraries, dependencies).

This is a method used to quantify circle-ness = {a^2}} Where: a is the length of the semi-major axis. b is the length of the semi-minor axis.

This is a method used to quantify circle-ness Fourier descriptors are derived from the Fourier transform of the shape’s boundary. If the boundary is represented as a complex signal (z(t) = x(t) + iy(t)), the Fourier descriptors (a_n) are given by: a_n = {N} _{k=0}^{N-1} z(k) e^{-i {N}} where: N is the number of boundary points.

Git submodules are essentially nested git repositories where the parent repository references the child repository **as a pointer to a specific commit of the child repository ** ...

Checkout This checks out a given commit, branch or tag and by doing so, git updates the files in your working directory to match the commit/branch/tag. ...

Paragraphs are separated by a blank lines. One Paragraph. Another paragraph. One Paragraph. Another paragraph. White-space collapsing. Multiple adjacent spaces and multiple newlines between paragraphs.

title: Title of the page. If it isn’t provided, Quartz will use the name of the file as the title. description: Description of the page used for link previews.

Install pip install <package-name> Uninstall pip uninstall <package-name> Version Check python3 >>> import <package-name> >>> print(<package-name>.__version__) ...

They’re good for allowing some projects to simulate having their own dedicated setup (computer). So that: You don’t need to give the program admin permissions.

This is a method used to quantify circle-ness = }{}.

Transfer learning involves taking a model pre-trained on a large, general dataset (e.g., ImageNet) and adapting it to a new, specific task or domain (e.g., gel formation analysis) ...

(t) = 0 t 0 and _{-}^ (t)dt = 1 Sifting/Replication Property _{-}^ g()(t - )dt =g(t)*(t)= g(t) (2.63) Fourier Transform (t) 1, 1 (f) Frequency Shifting Property (-j2 f_c t) (f-f_c) ...

Transmitter Recall that AM is power and bandwidth inefficient, DSB-SC attempts to be more power efficient. Note: Similar to AM, bandwidth of the message for DSB-SC (W) is expected to be much smaller than f_c, that is: BW = W << f_c This is so that, in the frequency domain, when the cosine doubles the message, they don’t overlap The Envelope doesn’t follow the message Notice: We get phase reversals because the original message not everywhere positive, so the envelope (dashed line), doesn’t follow the message.

This receiver corrects for a changing phase shift in Double Sidebar Suppressed Modulation Recall that in the non-ideal case: We can also say: *Product modulator is just the multiplication ...

Example 1: Cruise Control of a Car u - Force imparted by the engine M - Mass of the car -B - Friction - Slope incline Governing Equation M = u + _{ d } - B Let y = to get a linear 1^{} order ordinary ...

Power Signal Signals where the following holds: _{T } {2T}_{-T}^T|g(t)|^2dt <.

SSB Modulation attempts to be power efficient and bandwidth efficient, but it’s limited in use cases. It was originally designed for voice signals (telephones), this is because they have a unique structure with a small energy gap around 0 frequency.

Strictly Limited in Frequency/Time A signal is strictly limited in frequency (also called strictly band limited) if outside a certain bandwidth, the Fourier Transform is exactly ...

Say u - Voltage - Torque - Angle of link 2 relative to link 1 _d is the desired angle Goal What is u(t) so _d? Modelling We use a sensor to determine This block diagram model is called a ‘plant’ ...

Properties of The Fourier Transform Linearity (Superposition) Let g_1(t) G_1(f), g_2(t) G_2(f), then c_1, c_2 : c_1 g_1(t) + c_2 g_2(t) c_1 G_1(f) + c_2 G_2(f) (2.14) Proof From the ...

Fourier Transform (Analysis Equation) The Fourier transform will Uniquely define G(f) G(f) = \{g(t)\} = _{-}^ g(t) (-j2 f t) dt (2.1) For a non-periodic g(t) ...

Can perform semantic segmentation The ability to distinguish areas of the data Point Net Extracts both local and global features of a Point Cloud with any orientation Still not entirely ...