Strictly Limited in Frequency/Time
A signal is strictly limited in frequency (also called strictly band limited) if outside a certain bandwidth, the Fourier Transform is exactly zero. If a Fourier transform is strictly limited in frequency, it’s time domain signal will trail on attaining nonzero values into infinity, even if the amplitude of the function goes to zero.
Similarly a signal is strictly limited in time if outside a time interval, the signal is exactly zero. If a signal is strictly limited in time, then its Fourier Transform will trail off indefinitely, meaning it will be comprised of infinite frequencies, even if the amplitude diminishes.
Therefore, a given signal and its Fourier transform cannot be both strictly time and frequency limited
Low-pass Signal
If a signal’s most significant frequency is centered around
Main lobe bounded bandwidth for low-pass signals:
Band-pass Signal
Significant frequency is centered around some
Null-to-Null bandwidth for band-pass signals:
3-dB Bandwidth
The distance between