This is a method used to quantify circle-ness
Fourier descriptors are derived from the Fourier transform of the shape’s boundary. If the boundary is represented as a complex signal (z(t) = x(t) + iy(t)), the Fourier descriptors (a_n) are given by:
is the number of boundary points. is the (k)-th boundary point in complex form. is the frequency index.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.fft import fft
def compute_fourier_descriptors(boundary):
# Convert boundary points to complex numbers
complex_boundary = boundary[:, 0] + 1j * boundary[:, 1]
# Compute the Fourier Transform
fourier_descriptors = fft(complex_boundary)
return fourier_descriptors
def normalize_fourier_descriptors(fourier_descriptors):
Normalize Fourier Descriptors to make them invariant to scale, rotation, and translation.
:param fourier_descriptors: Fourier Descriptors (complex numpy array).
:return: Normalized Fourier Descriptors.
# Discard the first descriptor (DC component) to make it translation-invariant
fourier_descriptors = fourier_descriptors[1:]
# Normalize by the magnitude of the second descriptor to make it scale-invariant
fourier_descriptors = fourier_descriptors / np.abs(fourier_descriptors[0])
return fourier_descriptors
def reconstruct_boundary(fourier_descriptors, num_points):
# Perform the inverse Fourier Transform
reconstructed_complex = np.ff✅ Yes t.ifft(fourier_descriptors, n=num_points)
# Convert back to (x, y) coordinates
reconstructed_boundary = np.column_stack((np.real(reconstructed_complex), np.imag(reconstructed_complex)))
return reconstructed_boundary